Proposal Rejection.

Proposal Rejection.


3 min read


Today Gsoc-2023 contributors list and respected projects were released unfortunately I am not on the list. But I made a detailed analysis and comparisons here are my opinions after being there for the organization for a long time.


The motto behind writing about my rejection is there are plenty of free suggestions from YouTube and people who achieved but none of them help I too not see any such content on socials about the actual selection process as it varies from organization to organization.

The most frequent questions.

While searching for something related to Gsoc the most answered questions are

  1. How to get into the Gsoc?

  2. When did I start contributing?

  3. How to pick the organization?

  4. How many contributions?

  5. Does the bond with the mentors and organization matters or not?

Let's understand first these concepts.

Firstly these are so subjective don't rely on any single person's words even if the person from the previous year contributor.

Frankly who knows you may get another different experience ๐Ÿ™ƒ.

Should we need to start early?

I don't think so, early starting or starting lately doesn't decide your name in the contributors list. If a person just started even after you but he/she was good at understanding the project and the code base then there is a lot of chance for them to be a contributor.

Do the contributions matter?

I didn't say contributions matter a lot but there are important. I know both the people who made extremely low and high contributions get into the participants list.

Bond with the community?

This is one of the myths we need to have a strong community bond to survive. But yeah but they didn't expect the same bond from every individual who participate. But it's very good to have a good name in the community rather than doing only your work separately.

When do I start contributing?

Again it depends on how well you understand the flow of the open source things, and how strong you are in their tech stack, I also know a person from my organization who just started contributing right 20 days before the project announcements and made around nearly 30 contributions.

My experience.

In my case, I expect pretty positive results from the Gsoc-2023. But things went super reverse with the rejection mail.

In one sentence I can say that Gsoc is not about the structured rules that every organization should. But they play a lot of strategies before selecting a person because they need the right person.

My suggestion would be as a contributor we also need to use our strategies while picking an organization. Just do give your 100% and let the results decide as I have good confidence in the hard work I did I DO expected something but that won't work out.

But had a great learning experience over the last 3 months.


Wait ... wait ...I said a list of the things and even told don't listen to any single person's suggestion but what's this.

I just did a small cross-check with the person who applied for the same project I did but he get accepted. Here are some of the reasons.

  1. Visualize the things.

I just did the same things but the person was even smart (they have to) and upload the video for the implementation process.

  1. He was so familiar with the code base.

This is also one of the factors he also started so early.

For now, these are the reasons that seem to differentiate us.


So, this is my small step to let you know about the common Gsoc things that are happening. Hope you get to know something new from my experience. But I just want to make a huge shout to the Circuit Verse organization for giving me this amazing experience.

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