My Gsoc 2nd Dose

Roller coaster week

Expressed My First Idea

The organization started collecting ideas from the contributors. But I am still trying to set up my project in my local environment. Besides this, I am also thinking about a good idea that can improve this project. So, I started using the website from a user perspective and as I was quite familiar with digital logic circuits I simulated a few logic circuits on the website.

While doing I get some inconvenience in the user experience. I started thinking about the alternatives way to overcome this. Finally, I found and proposed the idea in the discussion. In my opinion, I explained my idea very well with the help of some good demo videos. I have to see what happens hope it is good !!

My First Idea

Hurrah!!! I got a good response from the maintainer about my idea. But I didn't even set up the project on my PC. In my case, I learned a lot of things in the setup process. Because it is not the case that in the setup file, we have everything written using that we can easily manage to set up. Yes, they DO write but they help only to some extent. While doing this, we came across a lot of errors, deployment issues and a lot more.

Get to know a little bit

IIn this process, I am frequently getting the popup about SSH keys. But I don't even know what is SSH so I decided to first know about this and started learning why, where how this works. while going I learned a few more protocols used, how computers transfer data in the network and things like that. They directly mention a few things like commands to be used, but if you start doing blindly all of them you end up with a mess only. For example, they mention a few commands to run but I don't even know shall I run them in my terminal or the VC code terminal or where. These all seem minor doubts but they play a vital role in learning new things.

If you don't know why we are using DO try to understand or just know a little bit about that.

I read so many blogs and watch so many videos on the Gsoc the common dialogue that I heard is "we learned a lot of things". At that time I thought they have just contributed a single project from this how they even learn a lot of things? The same thing pops up in my mind while learning about SSH and this way they learned a lot of things. From morning onwards I am in front of the laptop trying to set up the project but it is damm irritating.

The setup success

My god after spending these many days in the setup process. I finally made it, but I realized the mistake I did is very mean how I even DO such a blind thing? So, If you are familiar with GitHub terminology then forking is one of the main things if not it is nothing but the A fork is a copy of a repository that you manage. Forks let you make changes to a project without affecting the original repository. I know about this but as newcomers, we have that rage that pushes us forward to DO something great. But if you lite your fundamentals it will let you in a dump situation. Through this, I learn below things.

Yes you have greats ideas to implement but remember in that flow DOn't go blindly take time and focus on understanding the fundamentals

Rising First Issue

I decided to contribute to the small issues means good first issues but in reality, people are fighting for assigning the issues to them, seeing this much competition I decided this not gonna work out in the meanwhile I involved in a few discussions to assign that particular issue to me but till know I didn't get any response.

For that, I decided to rise my issues and before directly rising the issue on GitHub I started asking about this on the org. slack channel and maintainer reply to me by giving a good response to my queries. After this today I rise an issue on a small feature. Expecting good feedback from the org.

I finished this blog by writing everyday something that happen on that particular day. It was helping me in documenting my journey and I am making myself to be consistent in blogging. I started this as like series DO check it out the precious one here

My First blog on Gsoc


That's it, readers hope you got some insights through my journey DO try to share your experience in the comment section. Yes, we do mistakes while learning but the main thing is whether should we give up or should we facing and conquering. Just face and conquer.

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